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Polmed financing
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PolmedPolmed S.A. is a leading player on the Polish private healthcare market. The Company through the network of its own centres and about 2,500 partners offers ambulatory care services

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KCRKCR S.A. – global supporter of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical devices industries in clinical-trials Headquartered in Berlin, Germany KCR is the Contract Research Organization (CRO), which hires more than

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Holistic ClinicHolistic Clinic – leading chain of aesthetic medicine clinics in Poland Holistic Clinic offers unique and innovative concept of services. The clinic was found back in 2014 by Krzysztof

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NettleNettle S.A. – provider of DTP services, claims management and financing of medical investments Nettle served the delivery of medicines to 15,000 pharmacies and over 1,000 hospitals and clinics